Marriagea and Divorces in the UK
The line graph illustrates the fluctuation of the number of first marriages, divorces, and remarriages in the UK over a course of 45 years since 1955. Remarriage have the highest rates of all over the 45 years.
The number of marriages recorded the highest rate around 1972 with about 390 thousands marriages. After that the rates kept dropping in irregular manners until it reached its lowest values between 1995 and 2000 with only 180 thousand marriages. Both remarriage and divorces had their lowest values recorded in 1962 with about 25 thousands divorces and 52 thousands marriages. This was the best marital statues over the whole period. Both have increased staidly until 1972 where the values rose steeply to 125 thousands. Divorce is then increased gradually until its highest value of 160 thousands in 1997.
All in all, marriage had its highest numbers in the earlier years however it decreased to around its half by the end of the 20th century where divorces rose to its highest.
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